Monday, May 23, 2011

rant on ac

I don't care that wikipedia uses the words "thermal comfort" in their definition of air conditioning, nor do I care about how many lives air conditioning has saved in stifling hell holes like Lubbock, Texas. I think it is the worst invention of all time.

Yes, that's right. Of all the filthy, despicable things that mankind has come up with.... think hair plugs, nuclear weapons, wheatgrass-flavored ice cream... air conditioning is far by the worst.

I came to Spain thinking I would escape its evil wrath... I longed for sweltering summers lying around in my swim suit, or smelly bus rides because there is a large part of me that really likes natural body odor and I have no shame in admitting it...

I wanted so bad to forget my days of hot and fussy roommate wars over the air dial... for the love of GOD it is actually unhealthy to live in a freezer when it's 90 degrees out, and the vent is giving me the black lung.

And for the most part, coming to old-school Europe has done the trick. I sweat my ass off last August in Cadiz for example and loved every minute of it.

But as it turns out, the devil lurks in all corners of the world. Today's high was 29 degrees celsius in Madrid (almost a perfect temperature if you ask me), and though we thankfully could do nothing about it at our sans-ac home, the bus I take each Monday night was definitely making up for the lack thereof.

I really look forward to my bus rides--a time that I usually spend not on the physical bus but rather on Mars. And despite the fact that the metro takes half the time, I take the bus home because I like to look out the vast windows, and then I sometimes like to open the tiny ones up top to catch whatever breeze might slightly caress my face...

But tonight I stepped on, and was immediately forced to CURSE THE GODS OF TECHNOLOGY WHY MUST THEY TORTURE ME SO WITH THEIR BLIGHTED, REFRIGERATED, FAKE AIR? It was so cold, I would have preferred the bus's hot exhaust fumes blasting in my face, because there is nothing worse than frozen, purple toes that look like they were just fished out of some freezing lake of upstate New York, which is currently the state they are in, yes, even 30 minutes after escaping the polar state that line 23 was sporting this evening.

Glad I got that off my chest, I think it has helped my toes thaw quicker. Thanks for listening, and turn off your air if you've got it on. It's only May and you're wasting energy.

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