Wednesday, May 4, 2011

good news for word goblins

Whether you're a spanish speaker or not, news of peculiarly-themed dictionaries are always ones of great excitement to any word goblin out there.

Thanks to hard work of a one Manual Alvar, a professor at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, we can now pore over the extensive study of odd Madrileño dialect. Over 6,300 new words that will serve in no other place but the capital of Spain!

They actually might not even serve here. Some of the words are so antiquated that upon the book's release a few reporters polled passersby on the streets and yielded these probably anticipated results. They asked them the meaning of things like "dar mulé" (to kill someone) or "gadafi" (a sort of tapa, but to which a man replied "If it's not that delinquent..then I have no clue..").

Nonetheless I plan on incorporating some into my bank because why not? If at least to amuse the old men around town. I know a Sevillano guy who talks like Shakespeare when he speaks English (which is always because it tickles him so), and I can't even begin to describe how much it delights me when he says (in a completely serious way) "I fancy you, dear child".

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