I've sort of checked out to vacation early. It is unnecessary to go into detail regarding this comment.
I don't have much to say today, besides that I feel like I need to get out of Madrid, and I'm thinking that it must have something to do with the last few opportunities in which I missed my chance.
But then I feel planted, to the city, and its often anonymous weekends. I live for them. So much that I sometimes but more like always take long ones.
I don't have much to say today because I am checked out on vacation, a sort of forced repose period that stems from the accumulation of too many nights with little sleep, and then the total indulgence of not leaving the house once during a stormy day.
So I think I will post pictures because I have several to share from random recent times. Here you are:
Alex and I had the same hole in our sock...
...we were really excited about it...
Maria and Diego...this picture doesn't really do the little dude justice in terms of cuteness, but I think it shows a lot about his character: he is a TORNADO. Anyway, Maria does look awfully cute so all in all, I give it a ten.
Easter brunch, how could we not?
Found some random folder on this card with pictures of bears n'stuff in North Carolina. It's nice.
This was actually a while ago...Spanish "field day" in the park with the whole school. It was a lot different than mine as a child, and I wish someone had told me the planning committee needed help, or rather, creation. Oh well, better luck next year. And in any case, despite its lack of organization, it was clearly a fun time. Take note of little Mario in the background, easily the strangest child in the class.

Classic San Isidro Sunday. Here we have the chulapo get-up, men from ages 0-99 dress like this in celebration of Madrid's patron saint. We could talk about how "typical spanish" this man is for days. The word chulapo is an old school word that refers to, in all their castizo (traditional Castilian) glory, Madrileños.
Don't you love when you are roaming around town and see something cool like this big-breasted woman, and then seconds later you realize you've been there once before (but hadn't the slightest clue as to were you were)? Such are the outcomes of a Saturday night.
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