I'm just pissed at mother nature for teasing us a month ago with the momentary nice weather and then giving us stagnant shit ever since. How can I appreciate only mildly nice days, when there were incredible ones not long ago? Here I go again about the damn weather...
Must surpress the bad attitude. But goddamnit I fucking hate the rain! It hasn't even arrived yet and I'm already dreading it. Why must this happen on one of the last glorious puentes of the year?!
Alright. That's it. I just took adequate measures to make me feel better. I googled "curious animals". And this is what I found:

If anyone actually knows what this is...I also just spent a fruitless 20 minutes trying to figure this out so that I may one day order myself a precious rat such as this little guy.
how curious! no joke, I looked into buying one of these the other day: http://janettesuherli.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/angler-fish.jpg because they are PURE EVIL. Turns out you have to have like 1000000x pressurized tank or it will die. Bummer.