Thursday, January 12, 2012

preschool dirge

I call this Preschool Dirge, or Preschool is Killing Me, thank you Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Oh, Preschool,
How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.
I loathe thee to the depths of darkness and gloom and night
That my soul can fall to, try as I might
To dance and sing and succumb to farce.
I loathe thee more than Satan's breath does stink
And does it ever reek of dung and festering wounds.
I loathe thee freely, as men sin and fight,
I loathe thee truly, as they fear naught and all,
I loathe thee with a passion like none other
It fuels my temper, burns my skin
Only a brief six hours, but nay be there cover.
I loathe thee with a hate I will not lose
For it's eternal--I loathe thee with my breath,
My body, and my soul--because I did not choose:
To be a ragged clown until my death.

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