I have a total of 14 fabulous photos from my Christmas bicoastal adventure, but I have chosen this one of Bizmark crossing the Golden Gate to inspire my overdue post:

Bizmark was a Christmas gift to my sister from my cousin Susie, who saw this creature and knew no one else could possibly love it as much as Ash would. It might be the best gift she received this year, which isn't to undermine the rest: there was the good (awesome skin care products for life), the bad (Marley and Me, the dvd), and the ugly (so-ugly-it's-cute, Bizmark).
I wish my i-phone photography skillz were better because then Bizmark's two yellow teeth might have made it, or maybe even his brother (my gift from Susie, another "Ugly Doll"--they are literally called this), Officer Crump, could have squeezed in for a smile. But taking one-handed photos on the i-phone is not easy. I dare you..right now..try it.
Anyway, despite his low score in ugliness, Bizmark is still quite photogenic, especially when posing with such a lovely scene: the golden gate bridge on a beautiful, clear day + pick-up trucks and SUVS. What's there to say...besides 'merica, f*ck yea?
What's sad is that, although I say this motto in 100% joking manner, because I love to make fun of American pride, deep down, way, way down in the very pits of my tormented, cynical soul, there is a little voice that whispers, maybe even quivers in such lovingness: 'merica, f*ck yea.
Can't wait to be back again.
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