Friday, October 23, 2009

first post

On Tuesday night, my 9 year old spanish cousin called me fat.

OK--that is an exageration. I was busying myself in the kitchen making a cup of tea for myself and my aunt (Pilar) when Alex walked in and said, in his broken but impressive english, -You´ve gotten more fatter, no?". At this moment, after, of course, nearly falling on the floor laughing, is when I decided to begin writing a blog.

Because these are the moments I live for. It´s the small things in life that really hit me with such weight (no pun intended), and these things must be documented and shared. Alex´s comment could not have been more hilarious to me--for a number of reasons. The first was the fact that he had just been to the orthodontist that day to get braces. Oh! how I wanted to quip back--Yea, well at least I´m not a metal mouth, braceface! Of course, I held my tongue. What was even more funny to me was that once again, Bill Cosby was right. Kids say the darndest things. I HAVE gained weight, thanks to an increase of sugar intake by about 5 times, and luckily I have my little cousin Alex to always provide me with the truth about such matters (Pilar was quick to assure me that I looked just the same as I did a month ago, when I first arrived). Even more, as I received this cruel remark, my hand was fishing around a tin box of cookies, as one cannot have a tea or coffee in Europe with out several buttery cookies, dunked and soaked of course. So there I was, caught red handed, when Alex dealt me the news, that I´ve indeed gotten more fatter.

And you know what? I don´t care.*

*I will start caring when my pants no longer button.


  1. HAHAHA! The kicker is your hand was in the cookie jar... this is symbolic on so many levels!

    Silly braceface passing judgment!

  2. Always check your was Art Linkletter who coined the phrase, not Cosby, who ripped it off 20 years later.

    Where are the photos to evoke further commets?
