So it's been a while since I've been real. This silly thing is about my real, everyday life after all. Plus I really don't feel like doing here we go. Read about my day today, more or less like any other day.
I got up at 8:30 and had a piece of toast (butter and strawberry jam..very un-Spanish of me). Then I strolled along the ten minute walk to Atocha, the central train station in Madrid whose name you might recognize from the 2004 terrorist attack resulting in 191 tragic deaths. But looking at the bright's beautiful, especially with the bright morning sun peaking up over the edge. See?

I got to school by 9:30, just in time to hear the piercing bell ring and wait another 10 minutes for the kids to trample into the classroom and begin class. The next hour was spent talking about Fred and Poppy and Titch, the characters of our 2nd grade textbook, to name a few. "This is Titch. She's my sister" (Fred says this). We completed two pages of the workbook. Pronouns are difficult for seven year-olds.
We then studied how to be healthy in Science, which on this level involves eating well, sleeping a lot, and playing sports. Despite its simplicity, this is also rather complicated for them.
And the morning flew by (30 minute breakfast break, the other 2nd grade English class...) and it was one p.m. and time to hop the train back to Madrid. I came home, ate lunch (pasta, yogurt, pomegranate) and took a 20 minute nap because I can (every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays). Then I went to two and half hours of grueling private lessons, which aren't so bad on Wednesdays because one and a half of those hours are spent with a quirky couple whose enthusiasm to learn english greatly exceeds mine to teach it. Not that I don't like my job, but it can get tiring sometimes with the private lessons. We meet three hours a week, and it's safe to say that we all enjoy the class. Today we corrected love letters they wrote to one another in the roles of Romeo and Juliet. Fun stuff.
Then I hopped the metro back to Lavapies (my 'hood), stopped by a friends place to catch up for a minute, and came home and relaxed. Took advantage of cheap produce for dinner (avocado, tomatoes, onions...) and here I am, stalling preparations for tomorrow's private lessons (two ten year olds, one easy, the other painful) and thinking, "Gee, this post sure has a lot of phrasal verbs in it." I'm having a fiery and sometimes passionate love-affair with my native tongue. I read T.S. Eliot to calm the emotions.
That's all...goodnight.
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