Monday, December 21, 2009


There are so many things to say, so little time.

I spent almost an hour on Saturday trying to post that damn video of my students but it never worked.

I also spent several hours on Saturday "couch surfing"..well, at least searching for a couch to surf. Some of our housing plans got a little mixed up for our trip to Paris, and thus we are going to venture out into the world of couch surfing. So far it has been pretty fun, but extremely time consuming.

Last night it snowed for the second time in the last week. Incredible! This is very unusual for Madrid. It is so cold that it actually stuck..feeling very festive over here in Spain.

On Friday night a bunch of the professors had a "cena de Navidad" at a nearby restaurant. It was sort of pricey (30 Euros a person), considering the food was a "feces" (this is how Alex describes crappy things--a result of learning science in English), but the company was great and we had a really good time.

Tomorrow is the Christmas party, and on Wednesday morning I leave for Paris. About a MILLION things to do before then, such as move all my stuff to Parla to live with my "cousin" Veronica beginning in January. More to come on that later, must go now! I wish this wasn´t such a lame post, and that I had more time!

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